The Simpsons is a television show about a family in United States. This series has four principal characters who represent a typical American middle class family: Marge like a housewife, Homer like a worker man, a peon, Bart like a bad kid and Lisa like an intelligent and misunderstood girl. I don’t really see this series so much so is very difficult to me talk about it, I remember years ago I saw it when I waited to stars another television show called Malcolm in the Middle in mornings on Canal 13 channel. The only episode that I remember was when The Simpsons go to Japan, in the travel they live funny anecdotes, for example in the plane when the stewardess tells to Bart turn off his video game, the plane stars to fall, after that she desperately asks him to turn on it. Another funny scenes is when in the hotel the kids turn on the television and the show causes seizures to the whole family. I think The Simpsons is a series for procrastination moments, a...